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Sweet Things to Say to Your Wife in a Text to Make Her Smile

These messages of love are the best sweet things to say to your wife to make her smile. There are hot romantic text messages for your wife.

Best Sweet Things to Say to Your Wife in a Text to make Her Smile

It is not only when it is the birthday of your dear wife that you should begin to say sweet things to her. It is not only when you need something done that you begin to let her know that she means the world to you.

Telling her how awesome she is should be a daily affair. Words that would always make her feel so special should be that which she is supposed to hear.

These collections of sweet things to say to your dear wife in a text are some of the best messages of love that would always make her feel that she has found the perfect man in you.

Sweet Things to Say to Your Wife in a Text 

For your beautiful wife, here are the best love messages to make her day feel special. You send these sweet romantic messages of love to your dear wife to make her know that you always love her and would always be there for her. Silver Jubilee Wedding Anniversary Wishes 

[1]. Your love is a sight to behold. Her alluring presence is magical to the eye. The soul who knows it feels it. That soul is me who has tasted your love and found satisfaction.

[2]. Feverishly, your love sets my heart on fire and makes me lose control. A touch from you melts my ego and renders me weak to gaze more for your love.

[3]. The fantasy of your love brings me to life. The tendered touch of your arms sends me to a feverish bath. Now I feel nothing except the warm grip of your body that calms my soul to rest.

[4]. Spice my heart with the tenderness of your love. Let my soul gaze for your grip. Hold me till I can breathe again. And whispered the words only my ears would hear that I might come alive and live for you.

[5]. The world of pure pleasure belongs to your love. It is she who gives me joy. I tasted her flavour and the sweetness therein. Certainly, words would never describe them.

[6]. I heard your voice wrapped in the emotion of love. That tendered voice erases my sorrow. Now I yearn for it like every drop of breath that I might live in want of it every day of my life.

[7]. The strange desire that is the spirit your love evokes. Day in and day out, I’m engulfed by the power it radiates. If there is anything I want, it’s this strangeness of your love that drives me wild.

[8]. Your voice awakes me to the reality of love. With just a drop of her calm reign, my soul is awoken to love the way it has never done before.  

[9]. The creamy silky glow of your skin dazzled the throne of my heart. With slow motion, it reduces the reign of my breath. Now I am lost to the victory that your love sang.

[10]. Adorn in victory; body so cute and lovely. Adorn in praise; love so wild and sensual. Adorn in reign; a heart so tender with the care that has stolen my heart away.

Words of Motivation for You

Most times we come face-to-face with tension and the sweat even in an Air conditioning room seems to be noticeable. Sometimes, people drive us crazy while we go wild nagging and killing ourselves over nothing. 

At every moment of tension, we should be concerned about our health and also have it at the back of our mind what tension could do to our health in the long run.

"Tension will never bring you good but rather a bag load of worries and all its negative effects."

Notice when you are under tension, you are bound to make terrible mistakes that sometimes can cost you a fortune and ruin your reputation.

Learn to relax when you are faced with undue tension. Smile when it seems like the whole world is on top of you. One way to overcome tension when it arises is to relax your mind. And please, smile at yourself. 

Just a little smile; is all it takes to relax the mind and drive tension away.
Love and Peace! 

[11]. Your love astonishes my thoughts and sings to my soul a new song. Like a new day, I grow from strength to strength wanting a touch of your love that gives me the effrontery to stand any challenge.

[12]. Your love sucked my heart and stirred my soul. Her multiple powers weaken my bravery. Now all I think about and live for is you.

[13]. Like Venus, the goddess of love. Your sensual power evokes a spell that dethrones my braveness. When I see you, my heart grows weak just to love you.

[14]. Your appearance makes my heart brighter. The loveliness of your steps makes my soul drop in death silence. None can rival you except Venus the goddess of love.

[15]. Gracefully, your steps carry your reign in the bliss of splendid walk. My heart beholds you and I became obsessed. Now I can’t do anything but imagine the beauty in your presence.

[16]. Your love is like a wave in the sea. I follow it just to discover the adventure and the pleasure it stirs. There I was lured to her wonderland and all I know right now is I want it so badly that I don’t want to go back anymore. 

[17]. Your love is like the wave that stirs a breathless calm. It resonates with my soul to hear thy melodious cry. That cries of love that draws my soul to thee.

[18]. Like a melodious string, your love sang me a song. Songs that I can’t resist but to come under her spell that I might find joy to free my soul from her silent grip.

[19]. The sound of your voice draws me nearer to thee. And there in her sweet savour, have I found rest that I might make my heart, merry to love you as long as your voice lives.

[20]. The colour of your scent, spray like the rainbow. I look and my soul is engulfed in the beauty that it sparkles. Little by little, I’m anchored by your scent that keeps me living for you.

Encouraging Words of Inspiration for You

If knowledge is offered for FREE, my humble advice is, please do not seek such. 

"Free knowledge will never make anything meaningful to you."  

When you pay for that which you seek, you will have value for it. But the moment you have the free mind mentality; it will go the way of easy come, easy go. Entering one ear, and leaving the other ear as it comes without holding back anything. 

The knowledge we are told is power. What a true saying. To make it worth its salt, you have to study till you get it stuck inside your head.

The true process of growth is in constantly acquiring self-knowledge that is learning till the day you make your last breath. 

Love and Peace! 

[21]. Keep me awake with the echo sound of your voice. Let my soul quiver with beats that wild my heart. Slowly, you have taken my heart with your love. Now all I dream of is your love to last for eternity.

[22]. Head over heels has I fallen in love with you. I needed no second, minute or hour to make my decision. Right from the first time I saw you, I knew you were the one for me.

[23]. My song of conquest, sung to my heart, lover of my soul. Let your song of love give me happiness, let it gives me joy, let it shine through my heart and make me long for the love that is yours.

[24]. To the end of the earth will I go in search of your love. I will not rest till I discover the beauty hidden in your love. You came, and you showed but when I thought I have it all, I began to realize that it is just the tip of the iceberg.

[25]. With the stir of your look, you set my heart on fire. Now, I can’t sleep without a thought of you. You set me on fire and the only one who can free me is you whose love had seduced me to my knees.

[26]. The look in your eyes, they tell me so many things. I look into your eyes and all I see is the love that yells at me to come. I ran to it and lost my breath in the warmth of your embrace. Now, I am addicted to being in your arms every moment of the day.

[27]. Your love is like the scent of a rose flower. Her swelling smell, escalate my soul and set my heart on fire. Each spray scent is the want of your love. Let your love be the flower that I might smell of your glory forever.

[28]. Gallantry is the bravery of your love that risks her ego. Daring acts had it taken just to prove her worth. Now I cherish your love every minute of the day for the risk it has taken to win my heart.

[28]. Who can oppose the throne of your love? None among the living would. Your love comes like thunder; it strikes the heart with fierce battle and won every resistance that the heart holds. Now that you have won my heart, to you I give it to keep.   

[29]. Aglow my heart with desire and let your love arouse my fantasy. Make me dream of you day and night that I might want no more but the person that is your love.

[30]. To the throne of your love, I am charmed. There my heart had made her nest that it will feed from the passion that you draw. I found love when I found you and to your throne would I feather my nest forever.

[31]. I just wanted to let you know that you are always on my mind and in my heart. I love you so much.

[32]. I am so lucky to have you as my wife. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life and I am grateful for every moment we share together.

[33]. You are the most beautiful, kind, and loving person I have ever met. I am so grateful to be married to you.

[34]. I love you more and more every day. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and my everything. Thank you for being there for me always.

[35]. I just wanted to remind you how much you mean to me. You are my everything and I love you more than words can say.

[36]. I love you more and more every day. You are my rock and I am so grateful to have you by my side. Thank you for being there for me and for always making me feel loved and supported.

[37]. You are the most amazing person I know. Your beauty, intelligence, and kind heart make me fall for you more and more every day. I am so lucky to be married to you.

[38]. Every moment with you is like a dream come true. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life and I am forever grateful to have you as my wife. I love you more than words can express.

[39]. You are my everything. Your love is the foundation of my life and I am so blessed to have you as my partner. I love you with all my heart and soul.

[40]. Your love is like a warm embrace, comforting me and making me feel safe and loved. I am so grateful to have you as my wife and I will always love and cherish you.

[41]. Thinking of you and all the wonderful moments we have shared together. You mean the world to me and I love you more and more every day.

[42]. I am so lucky to have you as my wife. You are my rock, my support, and my everything. Thank you for always being there for me.

[43]. Your beauty and kindness know no bounds. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and I am so grateful to be your husband.

[44]. I love you more than words can express. You are the light of my life and I am so blessed to have you by my side.

[45]. I cherish every moment we spend together and am so thankful to have you as my partner in life. You bring so much joy and happiness into my world and I love you more and more every day.

[46]. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me and how grateful I am to have you as my wife. You bring so much joy and happiness into my life and I am so lucky to have you by my side.

[47]. Thinking of you always puts a smile on my face. You are the love of my life and I am so blessed to have you as my partner. I love you more and more every day.

[48]. I can't imagine going through life without you by my side. Your love and support mean everything to me. Thank you for being my rock and my everything.

[49]. You are the most beautiful, kind, and loving person I have ever met. I am so lucky to have you as my wife and I will always cherish our time together.

[50]. I love you more than words can express. You are my everything and I am so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for being my partner and my best friend.


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Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Sweet Things to Say to Your Wife in a Text to Make Her Smile
Sweet Things to Say to Your Wife in a Text to Make Her Smile
These messages of love are the best sweet things to say to your wife to make her smile. There are hot romantic text messages for your wife.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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