Thank You Appreciation Messages for My Mother Who Passed Away

These words of appreciation are encouraging thank you messages for my mother who passed away for friends and loved ones who attended mother's burial.

 Best Thank You Messages for My Mother Who Passed Away

Saying a word of appreciation after the passing away of your loved one is so essential towards thanking your guest and friends who turned up to mourn with you. It is of essence to share with your guests' words that would show your deep sense of appreciation for their coming.

Appreciation messages offer you an opportunity to thank all and sundry for their supportive roles played towards making your burial a success because without their showing up, you might not feel a sense of belonging in having people around you in your moment of grief.

Find here the right perfect words you can send as words of appreciation to thank your guest who came forward to share in your moment of losing your beloved mother.

Sympathy Thank You Messages for My Mother Who Passed Away

We, the entire family, express our sincere gratitude to all those who have in various ways contributed to the success of the burial ceremony of our beloved mother, sister and wife. We sincerely appreciate your sympathy, prayers and donations of all kinds.

We especially thank the president, resident pastors, women fellowship leaders, choristers and the entire members of the Church for their support, prayers and show of brotherly love in this moment of great grief. We also appreciate various associations here represented, in-laws, relations, and our numerous friends within and outside with all the surrounding villages to make this occasion a success.

May God Almighty reward you and grant you journey mercies as you depart to your different destinations.

Appreciation Message after My Mum's Burial

The entire family expresses sincere gratitude to God for His infinite mercies and blessings upon us in our time of grief.

We want to thank all founding fathers, executives and members of the Church for their prayers and support.

We appreciate the Church, school, traditional rulers, family heads, friends and well-wishers.

We appreciate you for joining us to celebrate our mother's life. May God Almighty grant you journey mercies as you return to your loved ones.

Thank you and God bless you.

Funeral Thank You Speech from Family 

For a shoulder to lean on, we the entire family of the deceased express our sincere gratitude to all those who have in various ways contributed to the success of the burial ceremony of our beloved sister, mother and grandmother.

We are eternally grateful to the leadership and entire members of the Church, friends and family.

God blessed you all abundantly.

Best Condolences Text Messages to a Sister Friend for the Loss of Father

Condolences Text Messages to a Sister Friend for the Loss of Father

Sometimes, especially when you are experiencing grief, words may fail you. Sometimes, when you lose a loved one who is very important to you, the only expression we find to be the proper words to communicate our emotions is torn.

When you are quite close to a sister friend who had lost her father. You might not have the correct words to comfort such a sister friend of yours in your capacity as a friend. Here are some comforting phrases for father loss that you can send to your closest sister or friend during these painful times.

In their time of sorrow, let your friend know that you are thinking of them. You can send any of these condolence messages for a friend's father's passing if you don't have any other father loss sympathy words to offer to your friend. Comforting Words to Say When Someone Dies

[1]. I pray the good Lord comfort you on all sides. I'm so sorry. Whatever could be grieving you, please be comforted.

[2]. May God give you more strength. It’s well.

[3]. May God grant you and your family the strength to condole yourselves.

[4]. Sending you loads of hugs and love. Be strong, dear.

[5]. The strength to receive is already on you. Be comforted.

[6]. There are no soothing words to console a grieving person. May the Lord strengthen you.

[7]. So sorry Sis. The Lord will comfort you and your loved ones.

[8]. Please be consoled in the Lord, take heart dear.

[9]. Sorry for your loss. May the Lord comfort you and give you strength.

[10]. I pray that you will come out of whatever it is. May the Holy Spirit comfort you.

[11]. You are a strong lady, you will get through this with the help of the Holy Spirit.

[12]. I ask that the Holy Spirit comfort you. Be consoled, Sis. It is well.

[13]. May the Holy Spirit comfort you on every side. It is well Sis.

[14]. Be strong and be consoled in the Lord, take heart.

[15]. May God comfort you dearly, it is well!

[16]. My condolences Sis, May God comfort you and your family.

[17]. May the Lord strengthen you. Sending hugs and love to you dear. It is well with you.

[18]. Stay strong sweetie, may God comfort you.

[19]. Accept my deepest condolences dear. May God's peace and strength garrison you. It is well with you.

[20]. Sorry, Sis. It is well with you in Jesus' name.

[21]. Please be strong, may the good Lord comfort your family in this very moment.

[22]. Dear, please accept my condolences, I pray that the Holy Spirit the great comforter comfort you and your family.

[23]. God will comfort you in a time like this. All is well.

[24]. I have been there. Trust me, Sis, I can feel your pains! May God rest his soul and comfort you and your family.

[25]. Please accept my condolences to your family. May God give you the grace and fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

[26]. Oh so sorry dear, be rest assured he is truly an angel now, please be strong for your family.

[27]. Nothing prepares someone for a period of this kind of loss; the death of a cherished loved one. As difficult as this is for you and your family, I pray that God gives you and your entire family the grace to bear this pain without cracking.

[28]. So sad. Accept my heartfelt sympathy. Be strong for your family.

[29]. Please accept my condolences. I pray that you find comfort from the Lord. I feel your pain. May the Lord strengthens you even beyond your imagination.

[30]. Really sad. May God console you and the family as a whole.

[31]. The Lord grant the entire family the fortitude to bear his demise.

[32]. Please be strong for your family's sake. God will comfort you all.

[33]. Please accept my condolences dear. May the Lord grant you and the family the fortitude to bear this loss.

[34]. May God rest his soul, my sincere condolence.

[35]. So sorry for your loss. May God grant comfort to your family, and to you, especially at this critical time.

[36]. So sorry about your father's demise. I know how it hurts because I was once in your shoe. Please encourage yourself. RIP to your Dad!

[37]. My condolence dear! I totally understand how you and your siblings feel. It's okay to cry and yell if you want. It's part of the process. May his gentle soul rest in peace, my sincere condolence.

[38]. Dear Sis, words may fail me if I want to console you but please be strong. When good people die, they become angels. Accept my condolence dear!

[39]. It's really a trying moment for your family. Sure God will take control and console you.

[40]. May God console you and the rest of your family for this loss. Accept my condolences.

[41]. May the good Lord console her and the family.

[42]. So sorry for your loss. May the Holy Spirit comfort you and your family.

[43]. My dear friend. I'm so sorry. So sorry. Hugging you from here.

[44]. May God give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

[45]. Do accept my condolence. May the good Lord give you and your family the fortitude to bear your loss. Stay strong!

[46]. Be strong. May God grant you the fortitude to bear this loss.

[47]. Knowing how much you love your dad, I can only imagine your pain. God rest his soul, and may He comfort you and everyone. Sending you love. 

[48]. Take heart dear! May God comfort you all.

[49]. Take heart dear, please you all should stay strong for the family. May the Lord comfort you all.

[50]. My condolences dear. May God comfort you all. My warm hugs to you!

[51]. May God Himself comfort you and yours the best way only He can.

[52]. So sorry for your loss. may his soul rest in peace and may God give your family strength.

[53]. Very touching. Please take heart and be strong for everyone that needs you now. My sincere condolences. May God comfort you and your family.

[54]. Take heart. The good Lord will comfort you all.

[55]. Sis, be strong I was once there and I know how it feels to lose someone close to your heart.

[56]. May Daddy's soul rest in peace, and may the Lord comfort you, and grant you peace in every way.

[57]. So sorry about it all. I remember my dad's demise and it still hurts till tomorrow. God will grant you the heart to bear the loss.

[58]. May God comfort you and your family, please stay strong Sis.

[59]. Accept my deepest condolences. May his soul rest in peace.

[60]. My profound condolences. God will console you.

[61]. May God bring healing, peace and comfort to your family in this time of loss. Please be strong.

[62]. Stay strong please, for your siblings and the rest of your family. Be comforted.

[63]. May the Lord comfort you and give you the strength to pull through. It is well.

[64]. I'm sorry Sis! There are no words for this time. May the Lord comfort and strengthen your family.

[65]. May God alone console you and your family.

[66]. May God give you and the family the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss. God is with you all dear.

[67]. Take heart dear. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Please be strong sweetie!

[68]. It's well! May God comfort and strengthen your family.

[69]. Please accept my heartfelt condolences. God will comfort your family.

[70]. Dear Sis, I am so sorry. May the Almighty God grant you and the entire family the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss in Jesus' mighty name. It is well with you dear.

[71]. My deepest condolences Sis! You and your family will come out of this strong.

[72]. It is well. May the Lord grant you and your family the fortitude to bear your loss.

[73]. Accept my deepest condolences, Sis. It is well with you and your family.

[74]. Please accept my sympathy. May God console you and the family.

[75]. Sis, please be strong at this moment. It's well with you and your family.

[76]. So sorry for your loss, may the Lord comfort you and your entire family.

[77]. Be strong, may God strengthen you. So sorry for your loss dear. I pray for strength and comfort for you and your family.

[78]. Kindly accept my sincerest condolences. It is well with you and the entire family.

[79]. I'm crying already. May your Dad's soul rest in perfect peace and may the Holy Spirit comfort you.

[80]. May God continue to grant you the fortitude to bear the loss. May his soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences.

[81]. Hugs and kisses Dear. The Lord will strengthen all of you.

[82]. It's well. May God Almighty console your family.

[83]. Oh no!. This is so sad. Please accept my condolences.

[84]. My condolences to you and your family. May the Holy Spirit continue to comfort you all.

[85]. Accept my condolences, and may God give your family the fortitude to bear the loss.

[86]. My condolences Sis. May God comfort you. The Lord will console you and give you strength.

[87]. God is the healer, He'll heal you and yours of every hurt and pain.

[88]. It is well Sis. The Lord comfort you all. It is not easy, but God is faithful.

[89]. Be strong Sis, it is well with your soul. RIP Dad!

[90]. Sorry about your loss Sis, may God comfort you. May his soul RIP.

[91]. It is only God that will console you. My condolences to you and your family.

[92]. May God console your family, and may the soul of the departed RIP. Please, take heart and be strong, dear!

[93]. This is so heartbreaking. May God grant you and the entire family the fortitude to bear the loss. Please be strong. It is well dear!

[94]. Losing someone you love is not an easy thing especially after you have shared your life with the person. God would be your strength in these times. Please accept my condolences. May the Lord console and comfort you all.

[95]. It is well. May God strengthen you and your family. Be strong my friend. 

[96]. It’s not easy to lose a loved one. Be strong my friend. I understand what you are going through. The Lord will comfort you and every one of you in Jesus' name.

[97]. God comfort you and your family that is left behind.

[98]. Please stay strong, so that you be strong for your siblings. May his soul Rest In Peace.

[99]. This broke me too. Please be strong for your family, they need it now. Sending you my prayers and love.

[100]. My condolences, may the Lord give you and the rest of the family fortitude to bear the loss.


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Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Thank You Appreciation Messages for My Mother Who Passed Away
Thank You Appreciation Messages for My Mother Who Passed Away
These words of appreciation are encouraging thank you messages for my mother who passed away for friends and loved ones who attended mother's burial.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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