
Short Romantic Text Messages for Someone Special

These short romantic love text messages for someone special are truly indeed for the special person in my life messages, heartfelt love messages for him or her and someone you love unconditionally messages.

Romantic Text Messages for Someone Special

These short romantic love text messages for someone special are truly indeed for the special person in my life messages, heartfelt love messages for him or her, love messages for someone you specially love and someone you love unconditionally messages. Love SMS Text Messages for Him or Her

Short Romantic Text Messages For Someone Special

[1]. My screen saver, I have made ur luv d centre point of my heart where a picture of u is safe & nothing will eva delete it 4rm my heart.

[2]. D choice was mine 2 make u my number one & eva since I made u, I have no doubt nor regret over it.

[3]. U have proven 2 me dat ur luv is d number one. 4 dat I will eva b ur number one now & always.

[4]. I needed no second thought 2 know dat ur luv is real right 4rm d firsth day I saw u.

[5]. I have made up my mind 2 luv u & spend d rest of my life with u.

[6]. When I saw d smile on ur lips & d joy in ur face, Then my heart was satisfy to know dat u r d only one made 4 me.

[7]. Each time I c u, I know dat dis journey of ours in luv has found a perfect peace dat will keep us as one.

[8]. 4 sure, d best moment in my life will 4eva b d day I found u.

[9].  U came 2 me like an angel & turn my world around with u luv. Now my heart will 4eva capture dat blissful moment we met.

[10]. Fate played a wonderful trick on me & gave u me. Now I am d best soul around all becuz fate decided 2 send u me.

[11]. One thing have I accepted dat is 2 luv u unconditionally & b with u no matter d taste of time. Dat I shall do every day of my life.

[12]. Luv brought us together & made 4 us a home dat luv reigns. I am so glad 2 find a perfect home of luv in u. 

[13]. Season after season, luv is d fruit dat satisfy d heart. Urs have satisfied me & I will 4eva b there 2 eat 4rm d bosom of ur cares.

[14]. Ur luv is worth waiting 4. Ur luv is worth hoping 4. I shall hope & wait 4 I c a bright future in d heart of ur luv dat u have given 2 me.

[15]. Neva go in search of luv, open ur heart 2 luv 4 when u do, luv will fin u. Dat was all I did & ur luv found me. Now I live neva 2 regret my action.

[16]. Luv will find u when u open up ur heart. Don’t close ur heart 2 luv even when u’r hurt. If u can open ur heart, then luv will find u.

[17]. Ur luv is calm, ur luv is beautiful & eva since I found ur luv, my life is beautiful all becuz you luv me.

[18]. No age is a barrier 2 luv. Old or young, luv is d driving force dat bind us 2gether.

[19]. I discover luv when I found u & age 2 me is what makes our luv stronger.

[20]. Ask me of d greatest tragedy & I will tell u it is when u cease 2 luv.

Short Charming Text Messages For Special Someone

These short charming short text messages are sweet love text messages, flirty text messages for him or her, hot love messages for your one and only, a touching love messages for true love and beautiful love messages for your sweetheart. Sweet Romantic Love SMS for Your Sweetheart

[21]. It is beta u die than stay without luv. Thank God u make discover luv. Now I live & live again just 4 u.

[22]. Life without luv will wither away & luv without sacrifice die a premature death. U have made sacrifices dat I shall 4eva remember dat ur luv was meant 2 stay.

[23]. Ur luv & honey, which is d sweetest. Ur luv is it; sweeter than honey.

[24]. I open my arms & d bliss of ur luv took control. In her heart of hearts, I saw d blessing u shower on me. I luv dis luv of u dat is so cute 2 b with.

[25]. D energy 2 life is luv. Urs have found me & d energy 2 carry on has it given 2 me.

[26]. When I am down, I shall look 2 u, 4 there have I found d energy 2 be strong.

[27]. Eva heard of luv growing old nor die. If luv doesn’t grow old nor die, I have found dat in urs & 4eva shall be close 2 u all day long.

[28]. My state of mind is d most perfect thing I found since I met u. It is at peace all round d clock just 4 d reason dat I found a perfect luv in u.

[29]. Think of d greatest refreshment in life & all I could think of is ur luv.

[30]. Ur unconditional luv have given me d perfect refreshment dat have nourish my heart.

[31]. Durable fire dat consumed my heart. Dat is d breath of ur luv. It touches me & now my heart can’t do without it.

[32]. My mind is always burning & my heart is always beating each time u come my way.

[33]. Ur luv makes my heart burn & made me gaze 4 u.

[34]. To ur luv a charm is place in my heart. Urs have charm me with d beauty of ur luv & now am not d same without d charm dat is ur luv.

[35]. Ur luv is a wonder, it spear through my heart & place a mark dat 4eva no one can erase except u through d beauty of ur luv.

[36]. Every moment, ur luv brings a smile 2 my face. When I think of u, I feel ur luv.

[37]. In every moment my happiness is sure becuz I have u as my luv.

[38]. U’r d only one so dear & close 2 my heart. U’r d only one who makes my world go round.

[39]. U’r d only person who gives peace 2 my soul. 4 ur luv, I am here 2 stay & 2 luv u 4eva.

[40]. Time & occasions does not matter 2 me as long as I have got u & no time nor occasion can replace nor take u away 4rm me.

[41]. Thinking of you makes my day brighter. I can't wait to be by your side again.

[42]. I love the way you make me feel. You bring out the best in me.

[43]. Your love is the most precious thing in my life. I am so grateful to have you by my side.

[44]. Every moment with you is magical. I can't wait to create more memories together.

[45]. You are my everything. I love you more and more every day.

[46]. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for being the most amazing partner.

[47]. Your love fills my heart with joy. I am so grateful to be loved by you.

[48]. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. Your love is all I need to feel complete.

[49]. Your touch, your kiss, your hug, all I need is your love. I love you.

[50]. I love you more and more each day. You are my everything.



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Short Romantic Text Messages for Someone Special
These short romantic love text messages for someone special are truly indeed for the special person in my life messages, heartfelt love messages for him or her and someone you love unconditionally messages.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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