SMS messages would always be a unique way to share your heart’s feeling with the one you love. Here for you are some sweet collections of Short Code Love SMS Text Messages For Him Or Her to show how much you care.
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Love SMS Messages For Him From The Heart
These messages are romantic short code collections of love text messages for him, deep love messages for him, long love messages for him, love messages for the one you love, most touching love messages for him, heart touching love messages for someone special, caring love text messages and emotional love messages for your one and only true love. These love messages are in short code for you to share with the one that gives you joy. Poetry Love Messages for Someone Special
[1]. I want u & I want u 4eva. Nothing can make me change my mind 4 u. 4 all I wanted is u one with luv dat has no replacement.
[2]. My undying luv goes 2 u angel of my life & keeper of my soul. U have luv me beyond any reason. 4 dat, I will stick with u 4eva.
[3]. U woo me with d potent of ur luv & elevated my soul with d tenderness of ur cares. Now d rest of my days will I live in luv of u.
[4]. Tenderly u took me in ur arms & d feeling i have can neva b explain. I long 2 b there 4 in ur arms have I found a paradise 2 my soul.
[5]. D joy of luving u is d reason am alive. U bring me luv that brings me life. If not 4 ur luv, I would have feel incomplete without d luv of u.
[6]. Each time I look in2 ur eyes, i feel more closer 2 u. Ur luv brings me closer & closer 2 u. 4 d way u luv, I will eva b closer 2 u now & 4eva.
[7]. D tenderness of ur luv, brings smile & sunshine in2 my life. Dis smile will eva b there as long as u stay & luv me d way u do.
[8]. Even without ur presence, I still feel d aura of ur luv in d air. Where eva u r, just know dat d luv of u keeps me around 2 wait 4 ur return.
[9]. U put a smile in2 my face each time i think of our luv. D reason am still alive is all becuz of ur luv. If it weren’t u, loneliness would have gotten a better part of me.
[10]. My gratitude goes 2 u 4 staying & luving me when every breath of life was a challenge. Now dat am a step up, all my life have I dedicated in luv of u.
Love SMS Messages For Her From The Heart
Common short codes message of love are shorten text messages you would like to send to your love one. These love messages are charming text messages for her, touching love messages for her, long deep love messages for her, love messages for her from the heart, long love messages for her, short love messages for her, flirty text messages for her and deep love messages for her from the heart. Poems and Inspirational Quotes about Life
[11]. I am not here 2 hurt u but 2 stay & luv u 4eva. If there is one thing I will eva do, is 2 protect & guide u & make our luv a paradise here on earth.
[12]. Luving u is like feeling d warm of d morning air. It makes me feel good & bless my day with d tenderness dat awoken my heart 2 keep luving u d more.
[13]. What I value most is nothing but u. 4 d luv of u, all dat makes any meaning 2 me is u, my angel, my one & only.
[14]. Ur worth & values r not replacement. Ur care & kindheartedness is priceless. Ur luv & smile is irresistible. truly, u’r a diamond dat faded not.
[15]. Each time I look in2 ur eyes, I behold d beauty of heaven & each time I think of u, I have d feel of paradise . u’r d joy of d heavenly paradise I long 4.
[16]. Ur luv gives me d wing 2 fly. Ur tenderness, gives me d heart 2 c anoda day. In d beauty of it, ur luv makes me what I am.
[17]. If I die now, I have no regret. 4 d regret I would have has d beauty of ur luv blinded them all away.
[18]. Wings were made 2 fly, luv was made 2 live. In my heart would ur luv eva live as long as u give me wings 2 fly.
[19]. I prayed 4 a guardian angel who will guard me all d way & when I thought my prayer weren’t answered, u came like a torch-bearer & sweep me off with d sunshine dat is ur luv.
[20]. I thought I was ill when I didn’t hear ur voice in an hour. Now I know dat d cause of my illness is d thought of missing u.
Short Code For SMS: Love SMS Text Messages For Him
These collections of short code for SMS romantic messages are love text messages for him, deep love messages for him, love messages for sweet love, long love messages for him, inspirational love message for him, sweetest I love you message for him, most touching love messages and deep love messages for him. Christian Poems of Encouragement and Strength
[21]. They say luv is blind but how come when I close my eyes, all I c is d wondrous beauty & d warm sunshine dat ur luv radiates.
[22]. When I was sick, I decided 2 take no pills. All I needed was 2 hear ur voice & all d symptom dat was my sickness will disappear.
[23]. D only drug I can take is one dose of ur luv & I will 4eva b alright d rest of my life.
[24]. If I am sick, I know d right prescription 2 take; a little bit of ur luv added with a bit of ur tender-luving-care & I will b alright all day long.
[25]. Each time I think of ur luv 4 me, tears of joy feels my heart. Till u came, no one had luv me d way u do.
[26]. To the throne of my heart, u came, took my tears away & gave 2 me d luv dat am so proud of. 4 dat, I will eva live to luv u till d end.
[27]. I promise neva 2 let tears drop 4rm my eye anymore but even if it does, know dat d joy of finding a perfect luv in u, makes me shade tears of joy.
[28]. Before I was afraid I might lose u but now, I am not. 4 I trust ur love far beyond what words can explain.
[29]. I know dat what we have is a bond dat only d hand of d almighty would separate.
[30]. If ur luv was 2 b bought with money, I would b d least 2 offer a price. But since it is priceless, I am so honoured dat of all the others, it found me 2 make urs.
Short Code For SMS: Love SMS Text Messages For Her
These short code SMS love text messages are charming text messages for her, long deep love messages for her, touching love messages for her, love messages for her from the heart, sweet love text messages, flirty text messages for her, long love messages for her and beautiful sms for her. You can send these best romantic short code love messages to the one who makes your heart beat as one. Sweet Romantic Love Poems and Birthday Best Poem for My Wife
[31]. If ur luv was 2 b sold, then I would have walk d world without d money 2 buy it. But since it is a free gift of nature, I am so glad 2 have urs as mind.
[32]. Ur luv is like d river dat neva run dry. Every moment of d day, it luving kindness has quenched my thirst. Now I live in peace 2 drink 4rm d cup of ur luv & care.
[33]. Ur luv is like a tree planted by d river side. It has grown & flourishes through my heart.
[34]. I am a living testimony 2 all d good tiding dat has come my way all becuz I found d luv in u.
[35]. Luving u is like feeling d bliss of eternity. I shall 4eva hold on 2 it 4 in u have I found d joy 2 luv & b loved.
[36]. Hug me, kiss me, luv me & I will be urs 4eva. Never u leave me 4 I can’t imagine any world without u.
[37]. I opened my heart & wrote ur name in it. There shall it eva be hidden 4rm all who might seek 2 destroy our bound.
[38]. I was asked b/w a million dollar & u. I wasted no time in picking u. 4 d value of money can neva replace ur worth. u’re more than a million dollars 2 me.
[39]. My luv 4 u is 4 eternity. It shall b here 2day, tomorrow & 4eva.
[40]. Upon d surface of d water I wrote ur name. let d wave of d ocean carry it & announce 2 d world dat in d beauty of luv, have I found u, lover of my heart.
SMS Short Code Lookup For Love: Deep SMS Love Messages For Him
Here for you are SMS short code lookup for love that expresses deep love quotes for him. These messages of love are long deep love messages for him, heartfelt love messages for him, most touching love messages for him, caring love messages for him, heart touching love messages for love, long love messages for him, love text messages for him and deep love messages for him. Unconditional Love Poems and Relationship Advice for Friends
[41]. To u have I given my heart, plz take care of it. Do not break it 4 if u do, my world 4eva will be shattered.
[42]. My world have I made 4 u 2 b in luv with u. Plz take care of it 4 I have no other world if u break dis one apart.
[43]. Like rain drops, ur luv watered my life & made me a beautiful treasure 2 behold.
[44]. Bundle of joy, ur luv made inside my heart whole. 4 dat, I am so glad 4 d luv dat u bring in2 my life. Now I can smile all becuz u luv me.
[45]. Ur luv is sweeter than honey, smells nicer than rose & brighter than d star. It aura elevated my soul & made me think of nothing else but u dat have comforted me.
[46]. If I could paint luv, then I would have painted u. But since luv grows in d heart, then I have painted a true picture of u dat is d luv dat neva fades.
[47]. Like sunshine, ur luv shore through my heart & watches away all d fault dat had kept me bound.
[48]. I c d true meaning of luv through u every brightness of d day.
[49]. Yesterday is gone & tomorrow is 4eva. I shall look 2 d future with hope 4 all d journey I will eva take, I have found a perfect match dat will go with me – ur luv!
[50]. Every second, every minute, every hour, ur luv showered & blessed me like d drop of rainfall. Now I am a blessed soul all becuz I found ur luv.
SMS Short Code Lookup For Love: Deep SMS Love Messages For Her
These SMS short code lookup for love are deep love messages for her, long deep love messages for her, romantic love messages for her, love messages for her from the heart, touching love messages for her, deep love messages for her, deep love messages for your sweetheart and long love messages for her. Share these messages of love text with her who makes you feel the essence of true love. Motivational Poems about Life and Fulfillment of Purpose
[51]. Ur smile is d only thing dat comfort me & ur luv d only thing I long 4. Let it b d only thing dat make me anew dat I would b comforted 2 live for d luv of u.
[52]. If luv is a person then I have seen d person whose luv have given me d power 2 shout 4 joy. Dat person if u may know is u.
[53]. U’r luv personified. When I look in2 ur eyes, I c d true image of luv. 4 luving me, I have no doubt dat luv was created 4 us & nothing else.
[54]. Luving fun with tender cares, dat is d bliss ur luv renders. Neva a dull moment. Just fun all d way. I luv dis luv of u dat have given me all d fun in d world.
[55]. Neva will there be any regret 4 luving u. Since u walk in2 my life, I have found d joy dat walk d street of gold and dat is ur luv 4 me.
[56]. Everything I wanted in luv, I have found them in u. U’r my world, a perfect luv dat neva fade.
[57]. Thought of u gladden my heart 2 b alive, anytime am down, all I needed is think of u & my life will become anew all becuz of ur luv.
[58]. Though I have luv b4 but none can b compared 2 ur luv. Sincerely I would do anything 4 ur luv dat made me live 2 luv u with all my heart.
[59]. No matter d length of time, I shall eva b there 4 u. 4 ur luv, d length of time makes no meaning to me.
[60]. Even if ur luv tarries, dat will make my heart stronger 2 wait 4 u.
Touching SMS Love Messages For Him
For the one you love, here are most touching love messages for him, heart touching love messages for your sweetheart, heart touching love messages in English for him, heart touching messages for the one you love and best heart touching messages. Share these heart touching love messages with the one you makes you feel the reason to love again. Poems and Inspirational Quotes about Life
[61]. Every moment with u is like a walk through paradise. I cherish every bit of our togetherness.
[62]. Nothing in dis whole world gives me joy than 2 b with u.
[63]. Every smile on your face, makes me a happy person.
[64]. When I c ur smile, I have dis special feeling of ur luv dat have given me d energy 2 luv u continually.
[65]. Ur smile is hard 2 replace. It is so sensual with an aura dat have drawn me 2 u 4eva.
[66]. In my heart, ur luv have filled a space dat no one can fill. I have keep dat space 4 u & no one in dis world can take dat away 4rm me.
[67]. Like a precious work of art, ur beauty engulf my soul & eva since I saw u, I have no desire of looking at others but u my special work of art.
[68]. I shall sing 2 d sky of ur luv. I shall announce 2 d earth ur cares. I shall tell my generation dat upon my life time, I found a luv dat have given me all.
[69]. I adore everything about u. 24 hrs, ur luv is what makes my mind happy & her joy have given me d reason 2 to luv u d more.
[70]. Becuz u’r natural, I shall eva luv u d way u r.
Touching SMS Love Messages For Her
These romantic SMS love messages are most touching love messages for her, most touching love messages for your love, heart touching love messages in English, and heart touching love messages for her. The short coded love messages are to show the one you that you truly care about her. Birthday Wishes for Sister and Bday Quotes for Friends
[71]. U have brought so much sunshine in2 my life 4 d luv dat u bring, I shall eva luv u d way u’r.
[72]. Each time am in a dream land, all I think of is ur luv. Ur luv gives me hope & a peace of mind dat makes me luv u every minute of d day.
[73]. I search 4 an angel & found u. I search 4 luv & still found u. U’r my angel & luv of my life dat guides me away 4rm danger.
[74]. D reason u were created was 4 me 2 luv & since I found u, I have no regret dat d creation of ur kind was all becuz of me.
[75]. Why do I luv u. Dis puzzle I found no answer 2. I just found myself luving u becuz I luv u & I just can’t explain it.
[76]. My heart, my soul, my breathe, my body, all bears witness 2 my luv 4 u.
[77]. Every part of me live all becuz u give me d reason 2 luv & live 4.
[78]. I thought someone else would take ur place but now, dat is bye-gone.
[79]. No one will eva take ur place 4 ur kind of luv leaves no room 4 replacement.
[80]. Falling in luv with u is d sweetest thing dat have eva happen 2 me.
Sweetest SMS I Love You Messages For Him
Share these short code SMS free as sweetest I love you messages, deep love messages for him, love text messages for him, long love messages for him, love messages for her from the heart and most touching love messages for him. Merry Christmas Greetings, Messages, Quotes and Wishes for the People You Love
[81]. Eva since I fall 4 u, I have found my pleasure house of paradise in u.
[82]. Every complexity of life, ur luv have simplify & made me found d heart 2 live. All I wanted now is nothing but d bliss of dis kind of ur luv.
[83]. Ur luv came & took away my pains. Now I am so glad dat I followed my heart 2 discover dis hidden luv dat have made me d most precious person.
[84]. I live 4 u luv of my life. I breath becuz u luv me. If u stop luving me, I can’t imagine what my world would turn 2.
[85]. D moment I found u, I knew I would neva b d same again.
[86]. Now I know why I felt d way I did. Ur luv it is dat have turn my world around.
[87]. In every hardest hour of my life, I found in ur luv d strength 2 carry on.
[88]. U have given me luv dat have given me strength & 4 d joy of ur luv, I have d strength 2 face anoda day.
[89]. Ur luv is eternal with pleasure of paradise engraved in them.
[90]. I shall eva live 4 ur luv dat I would 4eva experience d eternal bliss dat is ur luv.
Sweetest SMS I Love You Messages For Her
These coded SMS short code love messages are sweetest I love you message for her, touching love messages for her, long deep love messages for her, charming text messages for her, sweet love text messages, love messages for her from the heart, short love messages for her and text messages that will make her want you. Tears of Love Romantic Text Messages for the One You Love
[91]. So pure without adulteration, ur luv is d number one thing dat I long 4.
[92]. Since ur luv found me, I am more than comforted & 4eva will b there 2 enjoy her purity.
[93]. If 2day is my last day on earth, only one world will I long 2 hear; dat is ur voice. It is them I would have an everlasting peace 2 rest 4eva.
[94]. D only thing dat have destroyed my heart is ur luv. It came without warming & stole my heart away.
[95]. I have learn dat d only way I can get my heart back is 2 luv u without ceasing.
[96]. D greatest miracle I have found is 2 luv u. 4 it has brought me healing dat had made my life beta 4 it.
[97]. When Shakespeare said “luv is merely madness”. I neva knew till I found u. Now I know I am going insane becuz I found myself doing things I wouldn’t have done all becuz of my luv 4 u.
[98]. I found d balm 2 my injured heart. dat is d power of ur luv. It has cure me of my hate & have bless me with a peace of mind.
[99]. D day I met u, my world change & eva since I started luving u, I have gotten a different meaning 2 life.
[100]. Ur luv is all I have & dat shall b all I have.