Tears of Love Romantic Text Messages for the One You Love

These tears of love romantic text messages for the one you love will melt the heart of the one you love with sweet feeling of love thought that brings about a peace of mind.

Best Tears of Love Romantic Text Messages for the One You Love

These tears of love romantic text messages for the one you love will melt the heart of the one you love with the sweet feeling of love thought that brings about peace of mind.

Care to make the one you love feel special, these tears of love messages are a unique way to let such know that you appreciate the love you both share.

Tears Of Love Romantic Text Messages For The One You Love

Just go ahead and make him or her feel so passionate with these tears of love text messages. You are My Joy and Happiness Romantic Love Messages

[1]. Look into my eye if you can’t see the heart that longs for your love, then make no mistake for the silent tears that drop from my eyes tells you how much I love you.

[2]. Can you spot the tears in my eyes? It's right there from the day I fell in love with you. It has become a symbol that tells me I have surrendered my love to none else but you.

[3]. I thought someone else would take your place but now, that is bye-gone. No one shall ever take your place for your kind of love leaves no room for any replacement.

[4]. Every time I see your tears, my soul is awoken to love you more. Please do let not any tears drop from your eyes for if it does, I see the same dropping from mine uncontrollably.

[5]. I promise never to let tears drop from my eye anymore but even if it does, know that the joy of finding perfect love in you, makes me shade tears of joy.

[6]. Each time I think of your love for me, tears of joy feels my heart. Till you came my way, no one had loved me the way you do.

[7]. The tear in my eyes is nothing else but the feeling of my love for you. If you truly love someone, you find these tears of love. I shed these tears so that you would always realise that my love for you is real and unconditional.

[8]. I have seen and read lots of love stories. Some end well, and some end in tragedy but yours will ever be my endless love.

[9]. Your awesome kind of love I tasted and now could tell the true meaning of love. Your love shall forever live and grow inside my heart.

[10]. I felt drops of tears from my eyes each time you hold me close to you. How I twist so tightly in your arms just to feel the hidden touch that only your love could give. When you hold me in your arms, all I see is heaven and when you kiss me, all I feel is the bliss of paradise.

Sweetest Tears Of Love Romantic Messages For Someone You Love

Love makes the world a pleasant place to dwell in. For your sweetest heart, these tears of love and romantic messages would melt the heart of that special one in your life. This is indeed the sweetest I love you message for him or her. Sweet Romantic Love Poems and Birthday Poems for My Wife

[11]. In the matter of love, the heart chooses who to follow. Yours chooses me in spite of all and for your love shall I live the rest of my life to adore.

[12]. I held your hand and my heart go weaker. I looked into your eyes and tears fills my heart. See how your love has weakened my heart to surrender to you.

[13]. Look into my eye if you can’t see an eye that longs for your love, then make no mistake for the silent tears that drops from it tells you how much I love you.

[14]. I opened my heart and wrote your name on it. There it shall forever be hidden from all who might seek to destroy the bond of love that we share.

[15]. The tear in my eyes is nothing but the feeling of my love for you. I shed this tear so that you will realize that my love for you is unconditional.

[16]. I was trapped in the ocean of love and made to find a landing shore but to nowhere my heart wanted to go rather than be right there with you.

[17]. Like a miracle, you came my way and blessed me with the flame of love that you carry. For you, my life is better just for knowing you.

[18]. When I thought of love, I thought of yours which is my perfect kind of love. Your love is so perfect that I found no fault in it. And even if there is a fault, your kind-heartedness has covered them all.

[19]. You are love personified. When I look into your eyes, I see the true image of love. For loving me, I have no doubt that love was created for us and nothing else.

[20]. I feel love when I am with you and I will ever long to be with you for to be with you is to feel the essence of love.

Tears Of Love Romantic Quotes From The Heart For The One You Love

These tears of love romantic quotes are the best deep love messages to make your love interest feel the essence of having you as their true love. Short Romantic Text Messages for Someone Special

[21]. What can ever be without love? The world was created because of love. Adam and Eve were created because of love. Love is all and I feel so special to give you mine.

[22]. If words can describe the feeling of love, then I would have done that for ours. But since it cannot, I would rather let my heart hold down the feeling of our love that has created a space to live in my heart.

[23]. If ever I knew the meaning of true love, it is because of you. For the way you love me, I now know the meaning of love that resides inside of us.

[24]. I tried to define love and got lost along the way. If there is any true meaning of love, yours is a perfect example of it.

[25]. If I could paint the colour of love, then I would have painted you. But since love grows in the heart, there I have painted a true picture of your love that never fades.

[26]. Let me bear this bliss that is the power of love to which yours have given to me. I shall carry it on so I would love to enjoy the power of your love.

[27]. Every passing day I see your love renewed in my heart to love you like never before and who am I not to yield to the love of you.

[28]. Within my heart, I have to make this little confession. You're so cute and natural, I couldn’t help but want to have you as my love for the rest of my life.

[29]. The lonely night was filled with lonely thoughts. For the night I dreamt, all I could remember was you keeper of my dream.

[30]. Your voice is like a gift from above. Every time I hear you talk, my heart gladdens with the peace of mind to be alive.

[31]. Today I woke up and a sweet smile glows on my lips all because, in my dream, I saw you.

[32]. I love you more than words could ever express. You are my everything.

[33]. Thinking of you always puts a smile on my face. I am so grateful to have you in my life.

[34]. You make every day feel like a fairytale. I am so lucky to have you as my partner.

[35]. Your love is the most precious thing in my life. I am so grateful to have you by my side.

[36]. I can't imagine a single day without you in it. You are the love of my life.

[37]. I love you more and more every day. You are my rock and my support.

[38]. Your love fills my heart and soul. I am so lucky to have you in my life.

[39]. I miss you so much when we're apart. Your love is the most important thing to me.

[40]. Your touch, your kisses, and your embraces are like a drug to me. I need them every day.

[41]. I love you more than anything in this world. You are my soulmate and my one true love.

[42]. Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true. I love you more and more every day.

[43]. Your love is the sweetest thing I've ever known. I love you more than words can say.

[44]. I never knew love before I met you. Now, I can't imagine my life without you. I love you with all my heart and soul.

[45]. You are the sunshine that brightens my day and the moon that guides me through the night. I love you more than anything in this world.

[46]. I may not always express it, but I want you to know that I love you more and more every day. You are the love of my life.

[47]. I am so grateful to have you in my life. Your love is the most precious thing to me. I love you with all my heart.

[48]. You are the one person who makes my heart skip a beat and fills my life with joy. I love you more than anything.

[49]. I can't stop thinking about you. You're always on my mind and in my heart.

[50]. You make me feel so special and loved. Thank you for being the best thing that's ever happened to me.


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Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!: Tears of Love Romantic Text Messages for the One You Love
Tears of Love Romantic Text Messages for the One You Love
These tears of love romantic text messages for the one you love will melt the heart of the one you love with sweet feeling of love thought that brings about a peace of mind.
Poetic Messages – We Made Words Sound So Poetic!
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